Dr Vera Vasas
Research interests
Honeybees learn extremely well which kinds of objects are associated with reward, and in the laboratory they can be taught to distinguish artificial flowers based on colour, size, shape, pattern or even symmetry. My aim is to produce a complete and neurobiologically grounded model for visual learning in bees, with the emphasis on colour processing and learning.
Neurons 3D
Previous research
I worked in the areas of ecological and evolutionary modelling, focusing on network analysis. My publications include various topics addressing the implications of the structure of a system for its behaviour, for example effects of food web structure on the ecosystem’s response to perturbation, connectivity of landscape graphs constraining migration, and structural motifs that enable reaction networks to evolve by natural selection.
Fernando, C. Vasas, V. & Churchill, A. W. (2013). Design for a Darwinian Brain: Part 2. Cognitive Architecture. In: Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, Proceedings of the Second International Conference, Living Machines 2013, London, UK, July 29 – August 2, 2013. pp. 83-95.

Vasas, V. & Fernando, C. Evolution before life. (2012). Book chapter in: Models of the ecological hierarchy from molecules to the ecosphere. (Eds. Jordán, F. and Jørgensen, S.E.). 25. pp. 15-32.
Fernando, C. & Vasas, V. (2012). Cooptive evolution of prebiotic chemical networks. Book chapter in: Genesis – In the beginning. Precursors of life, chemical models and early biological evolution. (Ed. Seckbach, J.) Springer, Dordrecht. pp. 35-53.