Dr Cwyn Solvi
Honorary post-doctoral fellow
Research interests
I am broadly interested in the neuroethology and evolution of
cognition. How are complex cognitions, like emotions,
metacognition, social learning, and consciousness, accomplished
by the brain? What are the cognitive limits of miniature brains?
What neural circuitry is required for these cognitions, and how
did they evolve in different brains?
In collaboration with colleagues in London, and elsewhere in the
UK, in Finland, China and Australia, I (we!) attempt to answer
these questions using techniques in behaviour, computational
modelling, and neuroscience.
Selected peer-reviewed publications
Bumblebees learn a relational rule but switch to a win-stay/lose-switch heuristic after extensive training. HD MaBouDi, C Solvi, L Chittka. 2020 Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience 14 (137)
Bumblebees display cross-modal object recognition between visual and tactile senses. C Solvi, SG Al-Khudhairy, L Chittka. 2020 Science 367 (6480), 910-912
How foresight might support the behavioral flexibility of arthropods. CJ Perry, L Chittka. 2019 Current opinion in neurobiology 54, 171-177
The frontiers of insect cognition. CJ Perry, AB Barron, L Chittka. 2017 Current opinion in behavioral sciences 16, 111-118
Bumblebees show cognitive flexibility by improving on an observed complex behavior. OJ Loukola, C Solvi, L Coscos, L Chittka. 2017 Science 355 (6327), 833-836
Unexpected rewards induce dopamine-dependent positive emotion–like state changes in bumblebees. C Solvi, L Baciadonna, L Chittka. 2016 Science 353 (6307), 1529-1531
Associative mechanisms allow for social learning and cultural transmission of string pulling in an insect. S Alem, CJ Perry, X Zhu, OJ Loukola, T Ingraham, E Søvik, L Chittka. 2016 PLoS Biology 14 (10), e1002564
Rapid behavioral maturation accelerates failure of stressed honey bee colonies. CJ Perry, E Søvik, MR Myerscough, AB Barron. 2015 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (11), 3427-3432
Honey bees selectively avoid difficult choices. CJ Perry, AB Barron. 2013 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (47), 19155-19159
For my Google Scholar publications and citation summary please click here.