Sarah Skeels
Rm: 2.25 Fogg Building Email: s.skeels-jungius@qmul.ac.ukResearch interests
My pronouns are she/her
I am a Zoologist broadly interested in understanding perception and decision-making in animals. I am currently working as a Postdoctoral Research Associate on the project ‘Addressing key evidence gaps in the science of insect sentience’ funded by Open Philanthropy. Previously, I completed my DPhil and a Career Development Fellowship (both funded by the BBSRC) at the University of Oxford, where I studied sensory-motor integration in weakly electric fish. I investigated how one species of weakly electric fish, Gnathonemus petersii, use body movements to shape what they perceive with their active electric sense. Before this, I completed my master’s at the University of Bristol, where I investigated electrosensing in bumble bees.
Twitter Profile: @sarah_zoologist