Gaoying Gu

Rm: 2.25 Fogg Building


Research interests

He is concerned about the stress related to the health of bees. During his PhD, he studied the effects of non-consumptive effects on honeybees. Reveal the process mechanism of the serious consequences of predatory fear leading to colony collapse, especially the important role of biogenic amine.

He completed some work at colony, individual, and physiological levels about stresses. Now he confirms whether an insect experiences psychological stress. What are the molecular indicators that can be identified and what are the behavioral characteristics in the context of non-invasive manipulation.



ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2601-1141



Educational background


2024–present Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher at Queen Mary University of London, UK

2018–2023     PhD, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2014–2018     BSc, Yunnan Agricultural University